
We have a strict policy of not including Before & After photos of client's spaces. This is a consideration to our clients, it is to ensure that your spaces remain private. We are more interested in seeing you really living!

“Wow…Where to begin!? Julie (& Russ) are absolutely amazing. When I sold my property I had HUGE (and I mean HUGE) job cleaning and packing up ahead of me. Not only was it incredibly overwhelming, it was super emotional as well. Julie was able to keep me going and motivated. She had a gift of reading and respecting my emotions as well as my frustrations. Julie wore many hats. Not only for the tasks at hand, but someone to vent to, a source of validation and a shoulder to cry on. Julie is an absolute professional, in every way, next level amazing and the hardest working person I know! She really goes above and beyond for her clients. I found a real gem with Organized & Really Living! And Julie!!!”

Christy Bernheim - Tumalo, OR


“Julie is fantastic! She is honest and professional, and does a great job of helping you determine what you want to keep v. sell or give away (or trash)... she does it in a way that isn't at all judgmental ... she is supportive. She also has good organizational tips for different situations and settings. I was also impressed that she even convinced my kiddo to part with some belongings that she no longer was using but had been storing... I would highly recommend!”

Laura Hazlett - Bend, OR


“I had a lot of health issues last year and needed to sell my house and move closer in town. My friend and realtor, Megan Isola, told me about Julie and her organizing skills. She made my life so much easier by helping me sort, donate and sell the things that no longer served me. She is kind, understanding and works hard for her clients. I highly recommend her for all your moving and organizing necessities.”

Cynthia Witherall - Redmond, OR


“Julie is so great to work with! She is so positive and non judgmental. It can be hard to have someone in your space but, she makes it easy. She’s fast and efficient and she gets the job done with your goals in mind. I highly recommend her!”

Magnolia deMontegre - Bend, OR


“Julie has been a gem! Organizing has not been my forte in life. This past year had events that had increased the chaos in our house. She helped to straighten it out. She has been great to work with- helpful ideas, and excellent encouragement in letting go of stuff that has accumulated after all these years in the same house. Helps to put things into perspective.I recommend her highly!!”

Kathi Antolak - Bend, OR


“I loved Julie’s holistic approach to organizing. She helped us with our home and work space. Throughout the work she makes you feel loved and supportive.”

Jamie Noble - Bend, OR


“Julie is so sweet, went out of her way to work with me and generously gifted me a couple incredibly thoughtful items!! She works tirelessly until a space is complete and doesn't miss a detail. She has a huge heart and is non-judgmental, and there to help folks going through the process of organizing and addressing things that have been put off with alot of compassion, patience and understanding.”

Milsia Makris - Bend, OR


“Julie does a great job of helping you achieve your organizational goals for your home. She is able to look at things objectively and offer ideas I wouldn’t have thought of for bringing order. I’m really pleased with how she’s helped me get better organized.”

Jennifer Blikstad - Bend, OR


“I’m so grateful for the amazingly talented Julie! Her decluttering and organizing skills are stellar. We combined two houses into one and she was instrumental in making this huge task manageable. She’s professional, efficient, an incredibly hard worker, and just a really high-quality human. I highly recommend Julie for your organizing needs!”

Eryn Johnson - Bend, OR


“Not only is Julie the most sincere beautiful soul I have ever met, she is truly joyful from within her heart. Enthusiastic about living life and uplifting with her words, she is just what “each of us needs everyday” to help organize our homes and lives. She never pushes to throw any personal item away but rather with her sweet calm demeanor of life coaching skills, walks you through how to re-define our priorities within our homes.

I used to be a truly organized person; every drawer, cupboard, closet, and room, everything had its place. When I got cancer and became too ill to clean my home anymore, I hired a housekeeper who mainly each week “just put away” what messes I made daily – but as time passed – those messes became an overwhelming chaotic dysfunction in my life that my mind could not anymore organize. Piles in every nook and corner of each room, that I couldn’t fix – until I called Julie.

What an absolute blessing in my life as she cleaned all the clutter (this girl works hard and fast, but so efficient) and has given me the life skills to help keep the organization. If I fall back into my old ways of piles and messes, I know I can call on Julie’s help. Within just a few hours, she has everything organized again and with her caring spirit, she continues to encourage me with prioritizing, organizing, and therefore “really living” what time God has given me left on this earth.”

Shawna Mitchell-Hoegh - Redmond, OR


“First I had Julie clean my garage with me. She was patient, gave great ideas, plus she and I did the moving, sorting, and lifting in a flash, on the spot. Then we tackled my disaster jumble room. I had tried for five years to organize my upstairs room over the three-car garage. It had a hodgepodge of boxes, crystals, photographs, framed art and furniture. In four hours she had a sitting area, a quilting area, and a kitchen area. She is a whiz! It seemed like magic. She’s outstanding!”

AroundtheBendRuthie -  Bend, OR


“I loved working with Julie! Not only was she a joy to welcome into our home, she was totally non-judgmental about our mess! She got right in there with us and helped us assess what was important to keep and what we were ready to let go of. We recently moved into a new home and it went smoothly because we hired her in advance to help us get organized. We were able to get a puppy at our new place and are having so much fun playing with her!”

Kimberly Williams -  Sisters, OR
